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STREETS FEST!! On September 5th @islingtonpeoplestheatre is delighted to join forces with #rehearsetherevolution to co-facilitate a day of applied theatre and creative workshops at Streets Fest 2023 in Finsbury Park, in conjunction with Streets Kitchen & Haringey and Islington Council, who are working in solidarity between 11am – 6pm.

Streets Fest is an annual health and wellbeing event, established in 2018, for people who are homeless or vulnerably housed in Haringey and Islington. The event provides an opportunity for people to access a wide range of different support services in the same place, on the same day, in a fun, festival themed setting. The learning from previous years is that bringing services outdoors in this way helps to reach those in greatest need. This year will be Streets Fest’s 6th birthday and we hope you will be able to come and celebrate with us.

Support services available on the day will include; drug and alcohol advice, housing advice, education, training and employment services, women’s specific services, health checks, as well as arts, crafts, haircuts, free clothes shop, showers and manicures. There will be live music, food and a relaxed and fun atmosphere.

Streets Fest also provides practitioners and services supporting the event, an opportunity to network and make links with other services they may not already be working with. The event will take place next to the Manor House station entrance to the park. It will be advertised to people rough sleeping by outreach teams and in day centres and homeless services across Haringey and Islington.

For the flier see here

If you have any further questions or want to help on the day - please do not hesitate to contact the organisers on the following details: - Streets Kitchen - Jon Glackin [email protected] M: 07899 631 666 Haringey Council – Roque Collante [email protected] M: 0781 550 6940 Islington Council - Sarah Turley [email protected] M:07985 524 785