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Frank in an IPT session



I was a professional actor from the age of 23. I trained at The Anna Scher Theatre, Islington and Timber Theatre, Jacksons Lane Theatre, Highgate run by Dexter Fletcher and his late brother Graham Fletcher-Cook. My addiction grew from self-medicating with alcohol to abate my O.C.D symptoms that stopped me working and left me with an alcohol dependence. Also, I have a long-term Diazepam dependence, which I am trying to taper off. I had become very isolated and agoraphobic, and drama seemed a good thing to try again.

My old keyworker at Better Lives informed me about the project, and thought it would be a good idea to revisit something I used to enjoy and would help me to tackle my isolation. I wanted to stop being afraid of going out and integrating with people again, and use my brain again. On the project, I slowly enjoyed being around people (although I was still nervous), and being introduced to new things, e.g., the chanting session. It made me look forward to having a purpose on a Friday. It has given me a desire to be involved in something again and it also helped me to use my imagination again, instead of just ruminating on negative things.

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